Mardi Gras Research

On this page, I have all of the research and designs for our Mardi Gras makeup assignment.  We were instructed to pick three Mardi Gras Krewes from a list and then do some research to get some inspiration.  After that, I went through Google and found some Morgue images to help me with color and design choices for each Krewe.  After all of my research was completed we were instructed to create four designs for each Krewe on a sheet of paper.  I then picked my favorite from each page and created an enlarged version so that I could transfer it on to an outline of my headshot. This step proved to be trickier than I anticipated since I made some of my designs a little complex.  For each color on the original design, I had to paint it onto a separate clear cover sheet.  each of my designs had four different colors so they required four different sheets that once layer on top of each other the entire design would look complete.  After all of that was complete I picked on design to actually put on my face.  You can see the process for that in the Mardi Gras MakeupPage :)

The Krewe of Selene:

Named after the Greek Goddess of the moon and founded by a small group of women in 1998, their numbers have grown to nearly 300 in recent years.  During their walk in the parade, they have been known to throw decorated purses, star light up wands and specialty beads.  They also do some great work for their community by organizing and running school supply drives, food drives, and their Fight Cancer Float bead drive.  Their crew color is blue.

The Krewe of Pandora:

One of the newer Krewes to join in the parade, they are named after the first mortal to be created by the Greek Gods and the one responsible for all evil released into the world.  This all-women group is dedicated to befriending and helping all women from all different parts of the world but still keep hope safe.  Their colors are Tiffany blue and black and their signature throw is hand decorated glitter boxes.

Krewe of Poseidon:

A co-ed crew named after the Greek God of sea, earthquakes, and horses. The roll with a large number of floats and over 600 riders. They offer keepsake throws, such as tridents, medallion beads, footballs, doubloons, and cups. The members of this crew are committed to fun and the promotion of social interaction and philanthropy.

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