HIdden Eyebrow, Black Eye, & Cut

A few different things were combined into this project and sadly I was unable to finish them all in one go since I had to leave class a little early.  Here is my process for hiding my eyebrow, creating a black eye, and creating a cut.

The first step was to pull apart a cotton ball and create our desired cut shape.  Once that was finished I stuck it to a clear sheet with my liquid latex.

while that dried I started to apply my foundation along with some highlight and shadow, but this time I only applied highlight to one half of my face while the other only had shadow.  I also added some corrective coloring and beauty aspects to the side that had both shadow and highlight on it.


Before I blended this, however, I added a coat of liquid latex to the cotton so that it would have time to start drying. 

I then began to hide my one eyebrow while stopping every once in a while to check my cut appliance to see if it was dry.

To hide my eyebrow I started by fanning out the hairs a little bit so that they would not lay heavily on top of one another.  Then I added some glue-like goop to them to make them stay put.

The next step was to apply some foundation on top of them.  This took several layers and in the end, I could not get my eyebrows completely covered no could I accurately match my skin tone.


Before I started the next step I added another layer of liquid latex onto the cut and had to stop there with it since I would not have time to complete it for the day.

I was, however, able to complete my back eye.

I started with a slightly damp sponge and the yellow from my water-based kit.  I added it very lightly onto the area around my eye. (I also accidentally did it on my wrong side of my face oops :(  )

Next, I added some purple around the inside of the yellow.

The final step was to add a tiny bit of red to look like burst blood vestles.



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