Mardi Gras Makeup

Since I ran out of time in class I did this Posiden themed makeup twice.  Of course, the second attempt was much better than my first.  Here is my whole makeup application process (see Mardi Gras Research for the actual design process).

First Time Through:

1. Apply cold cream moisturizer.  Once it has sat for a bit dab off the access with a towel
2. Use the lightest brown eyebrow pencil to outline the design
3. Start with the lightest color and work your way through the design
4. admire your work
5. Take off the makeup using the cold cream and baby shampoo.  Don't forget to moisturize afterward

My Second Application:
This time I started with the yellow trident since I had some issues with the purple and yellow during my first application.  I also had more time to add in small details such as the highlight on the trident.  My color mixing also improved and I was able to get the color of blue that I originally wanted. 

The Final Finished Product:

1 comment:

  1. I love how much detail you were able to get into this look! The water based colors were so hard to work with.
